A unique opportunity for children to learn all about the magical power of plants…
The aim of JHC is to let children learn about the medicinal plants all around them in a safe and supervised environment, whilst covertly incorporating core subjects including maths, English, Biology, Chemistry, Botany, Latin and Cookery, as well as helping children gain confidence, improve fine motor skills and develop a new skill set.
Historically, the knowledge of hedgerow medicine was commonplace. Most people knew which plants they could gather and how to use them to treat minor injuries and ailments. Unfortunately, this knowledge is becoming lost, with few people nowadays able to correctly identify and utilise our native common weeds or cultivated garden plants.
Providing a good foundation in plant education and herbal medicine that will stay with children for the rest of their lives, and even though they may not choose to become professional herbalists, they will have a good basic understanding of herbs and hedgerow medicine which is a wonderful gift that they will one day be able to share with their own friends and family.
Children are wonderful students, especially when it comes to herbs because they have no preconceived ideas of how a plant may work in the body or how it may be used for healing. It isn’t only fruit and vegetables that can help to keep us healthy – all plants, including herbs and weeds have value in supporting our health.
JHC has planned so that each month the children build on their skills and knowledge with practical tasks becoming more complex over the two years.
Children are taught how to correctly identify the plant, about the origins of the plant name and about the plant’s habitat and life cycle. We also look at the history and folklore surrounding the plant which may include story telling, songs and funny anecdotes. We discuss the medicinal qualities of the plant, the primary constituents responsible for the healing activity, and uses for the plant, both internally and externally.
Children are encouraged to participate in the discussion, adding their own thoughts and ideas.
At the end of each session the children are given a worksheet to complete so they can develop a portfolio of learning.
By the end of the year, we hope that the children will be able to:
– Correctly identify many of the common medicinal plants growing in their gardens, parks, hedgerows and streets and that they will be able to distinguish between poisonous and non-poisonous plants
– Know the medicinal properties of many common plants
– Understand how to use some of these plants for making medicines
– Enjoy listening to the stories and tales of folklore and history surrounding the plants and herbal medicine
– Know how to cultivate and harvest plants whilst respecting their environment and all of nature
JHC is aimed at children between the ages of 7 and 12. However, older children are also welcome. Children aged under 8 will require a parent or gaurdian to stay with them during the class, and although children over 8 can be left with us, some children over the age of 8 may benefit from having a parent or guardian present during the class to assist as required.
All sessions are run by a qualified Medical Herbalist who has undergone specific training in order to deliver this course.
Junior Herbalist Club meet once a month. Ten lessons are delivered each year from September to July.
At the end of each year the children are awarded certificates and a badge*, provided by The National Institute of Medical Herbalists.
*It is expected that your child attends for at least 8 out of the 10 sessions in order to graduate at the end of the year.
If you you would like to enquire about JHC, or book your child onto the next course please get in touch with me via email or telephone:
07429 261623